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2024-07-23 11:16:47

The export of second-hand cars in China has achieved0reach1The transformation——Export Development History

At present stage,China's car ownership and annual car production and sales are both the highest in the world,In the current fiercely competitive domestic automotive market and the recovery and growth of global trade,“Get out”It's an inevitable choice。stay2023China's new car exports have broken through in the year500Ten thousand vehicles,Reaching the level of being the world's number one,However, the export of second-hand cars is still in its infancy,It will take some time for the export volume of second-hand cars to achieve global leadership。

The export of used cars in our country is allowed from2019Beginning of the year, 2019year4month,With the Ministry of Commerce、After the Ministry of Public Security and the General Administration of Customs issued a notice on supporting the export of second-hand cars in areas with mature conditions,The export business of second-hand cars began first in ten pilot cities,This year can also be seen as the export of second-hand cars in China“The first year”。

With the launch of China's second-hand car export business,The first batch of export pilot enterprises are striving to compete,Actively carry out second-hand car export business,However, due to the fact that the export of second-hand cars in our country is still in its infancy,The total number of export enterprises is small,The exported second-hand cars are mainly low residual value operating vehicles,Lack of market competitiveness and other factors,According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, the export volume of second-hand cars in the first year was only3000Multiple units,The scale is very low。

2020Year is also the second year in which second-hand cars are allowed to be exported,With the opening of export channels for the first batch of pilot enterprises,The export volume of second-hand cars has also increased accordingly,At the same time, the country has also increased again20A pilot city for exporting second-hand cars,The number of enterprises that can be exported has further increased,Beneficial for further growth in the export scale of second-hand cars。Unfortunately, the COVID-19 that swept the globe this year broke out,The pause button has been pressed for the business activities of various enterprises,It is inevitable to export second-hand cars as well,The export volume of second-hand cars this year is only higher than the previous year1000Left and right of the table,The annual export volume of second-hand cars is approximately4300Multiple units。

here we are2021year,With the strong rise of new energy vehicles in China,Foreign demand for new energy vehicles is growing,Some second-hand car companies are turning their attention to new energy vehicles,Exporting domestic new energy vehicles as used cars to foreign countries has achieved good results。With the successful trials of these pioneers,More and more second-hand car companies are following the trend and entering the market,At this point, the export volume of second-hand cars in China has significantly increased,According to the disclosed data,2021The export volume of second-hand cars in China reached1ten thousand5Over a thousand units,The growth rate has reached250%,The export volume has achieved a leapfrog growth。

But overall,The export volume of new energy vehicles accounts for a relatively large proportion among the second-hand cars exported,According to incomplete statistics, the proportion exceeds60%。It can be seen that the significant increase in the export volume of second-hand cars is mainly driven by the surge in the export of new energy vehicles in China,And although the actual export volume of second-hand cars has also increased,But there are still many problems and challenges,The export of second-hand cars is still in a stage of active exploration and development。The market performance this year has been characterized by both crises and crises,Pilot enterprise differentiation and development,Numerous export companies have seized the opportunity to purchase both new and used cars“Dual Drive”The development model,Achieved a rapid increase in export volume。

get into2022year,The acceptance of China's new energy vehicles by consumers abroad is increasing,Meanwhile, Russia experienced a shortage of vehicles due to Western sanctions this year,The demand for foreign automobile markets has surged,China's second-hand car export enterprises timely seized this business opportunity and quickly matched overseas demand,Starting to increase automobile exports to relevant regions through various channels。

This year,China's new energy quasi new car exports show strong growth momentum,In order to quickly adapt to the growth trend of the market and seize opportunities, various enterprises have started to unite and go global,Actively explore more channels,Continuously exploring new business models,It is also more standardized in operation。At this time, the number of offline countries has increased again10A pilot city for exporting second-hand cars,The number of second-hand car export enterprises has further increased,As a result, the export volume of second-hand cars this year has approached7Ten thousand vehicles,The growth rate has reached another level, surpassing350%,The export volume of second-hand cars is steadily increasing。


here we are2023year,With the prominent phenomenon of oversupply of domestic automobiles and the emergence of new cars“Price reduction trend”Resulting in a significant impact on the sales of used cars,The sales profit of second-hand cars in various operating enterprises has declined, and the operating pressure has increased。Given this,The export of second-hand cars has also received increasing attention from enterprises,The number of export enterprises has also exceeded500home,Homogenization competition is fierce、The export process of second-hand cars is not smooth、The curb weight of the vehicle is not high、Problems such as insufficient after-sales support are gradually being exposed,The high-quality development of second-hand car exports has also been put on the agenda。

In this year,Some export enterprises are gradually exploring a path that suits them in fierce competition,Found the positioning of one's own enterprise,These enterprises have achieved“Get out”And achieved certain results。Although the industry competition has been fierce this year,The profit growth of second-hand car exports is also sluggish,But overall,This year, the export volume of second-hand cars in China has maintained a high-speed growth,The export volume of second-hand cars for the whole year has reached25About 10000 units,New breakthrough in export volume。

China's second-hand car exports from2019Since the beginning of the year, it has been showing a high-speed growth trend,The growth rate is much higher than that of new car exports,The ratio of second-hand car exports to new car exports is also determined by2019Year's0.2%Keep growing until2023Year's5%about,Second hand car exports begin to catch up with new cars at high speed,The time when the total export volume of second-hand cars enters the forefront of the world should not be too far away。

here we are2024year,China's second-hand car exports continue2023Annual export trend,The national export restrictions on second-hand cars have also been implemented this year3Fully open up the month,This has also led to a surge in the number of export enterprises,Industry competition has entered a white hot stage。In this year,Some countries have also increased import tariffs on cars,The regulations for imported cars are becoming stricter,Causing an increase in the cost of China's automobile exports,The export profit of second-hand cars has significantly declined,At the same time, the difficulty of exporting second-hand cars has further increased。

In this situation,Export enterprises have begun exploring new models,Everyone is facing issues such as development and high-quality transformation。Some large enterprises have started to establish export bases,The public service platform for overseas warehouses of second-hand cars is also gradually taking shape,The after-sales service system has begun to operate and be implemented,Successful pilot of localized service market project,Each enterprise is actively improving its export business,Actively exploring more mature export models,Positive standardization of second-hand car exports in China、Scale transformation。