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Company News

2024-07-20 09:43:51

front4The import and export freight volume at the Alashankou Port has reached910.2Ten thousand tons,Year-on-year growth24.9%

The import and export freight volume of Alashankou Port has shown strong growth momentum in the first four months of this year,Especially the import and export freight volume of railway transportation,The year-on-year growth has reached28.1%。Behind this growth,This reflects the active foreign trade and smooth logistics channels of our country。

From the perspective of imports,The import growth of bulk commodities is particularly significant,Including coal、Iron ore and its concentrates、Wheat and other crops occupy an important position。This reflects the strong demand for bulk raw materials in China's economy,It also reflects the strategic position of Alashankou Port as an important import channel。meanwhile,This also has positive implications for China's energy and food security。

In terms of exports,Mechanical and electrical products have become the main growth point for highway port exports。This demonstrates the stable development of China's traditional manufacturing industry,Adequate export supply,It also reflects the important position of China in the global industrial chain and supply chain。

Alashankou Customs is optimizing the business environment、Positive efforts have also been made to improve customs clearance efficiency。By implementing“Responsible for the first inquiry、One time notification”Work measures,Reduce enterprise time costs,Improved work efficiency。meanwhile,By activating“Special channel for imported grain”Special window for business processing,And adopting“First release, then inspect”、“Two step declaration”Waiting for convenient customs clearance measures,Provided more convenient and efficient customs clearance services for imported bulk commodities。

in general,The import and export freight volume at Alashankou Port has increased,Not only does it reflect the vitality of China's foreign trade and the smoothness of logistics channels,It also demonstrates China's efforts to optimize the business environment、Efforts and achievements in improving customs clearance efficiency。future,along with“The Belt and Road Initiative”The deepening of the initiative and the continuous improvement of China's level of opening up to the outside world,Alashankou Port is expected to continue to play a greater role,Make greater contributions to China's foreign trade and economic development。